By year 268 M.E. (Modern Era, 2112 A.D.) dwindling natural resources, environmental contamination, natural disasters, war and global disease brought the nations of the world to their knees. Exhausted and besieged, the United States sued for peace. World leaders entangled with the collapse of the West joined with the East and southern nations. The result of this gathering brought about the Global Accord of 268 which, among other things, fixed the boundaries of all nations, dis-armed militaries world wide, reset the calendar, and established a world currency.
Unencumbered by war and global economic inequality, science and technology flourished. Space travel and the Common Goal of human expansion became a necessary rallying cry as Earth continued to be stripped of resources. Advancements in medicine, rocket engineering, and discovery bring the human race to the precipice of galactic travel. But what will we find on the other side of the Dragon Crease?